Wednesday, March 19, 2008

In Memory

Moments of silence, flags at half-mast and federal buildings shrouded in black would just begin to address the suffering we have brought to Iraq after five years of war and occupation.

After five years, there are more US troops in Iraq and more money spent each day to sustain the military occupation. After five years there is less congressional support to defund the war and continued Iraqi deaths, displacement and fear.

These clips, the first two from Baghdad today will remind you what is at stake.

Iraq's lost generation (4 min 32 sec)
Ghaith Abdul-Ahad, 19 March 2008 bio

Baghdad: City of Walls (4min 37 sec)
Ghaith Abdul-Ahad, 18 March 2008

The Human Cost of War (2 min)
American Friends Service Committee

One Day = $720 Million (1min 46 sec)
American Friends Service Committee

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